Tuesday 13 December 2022

Dollarama Find - Egyptian Monolith

 I found this a plaster Egyptian monolith for $4 at a local Dollarama store. It looks similar to the statues that would be found in the Valley of the Kings.  It should work well as Egyptian themed background in a Pulp game set in Egypt.  

Egyptian monolith with two 28mm Dark Fable Egyptian figures

It will  need some painting, possibly with the Woodland Scenics Yellow Ocher stain that will create a naturalistic sand stone look.

Woodland Scenics Yellow Ocher stain

Spears and Impalers

 I have had bout 17 of these OOP Wizkids Horror Clix Vlad the Impaler 32mm figures sitting around since I bought them some years ago at the local Comic Book Store in a bin sale.   I had been planning to convert them to Impalers for a Vampire based fantasy army by replacing the end of the spear with just a point rather than an impaled victim, as a regiment of 16 would just look too weird, one victim as a standard is sufficient.


Wizkids HorrorClix Vlad the Impaler

Accordingly I cut off the victim on all but 1 figure and planned to put spear tips on the end of the poles.  After the figures sat around for a few years I finally got around to it yesterday. This was partly inspired by the new Fantastic Battles 1.2 rules that has a Night Stalker army list that will work perfectly for my Vampire War figures and these Impalers. They will be an elite Regiment called Vlad's Carpathian Impalers with 3 companies with the traits: Feast, Pikes, Highlanders and Doughty.

 Below are some of the various spear options I experimented with: