I decided to get the twenty Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) 3rd edition Dark Elf Crossbowmen that have been sitting around partly painted since the mid 1990s painted. My plan is to have two regiments (10 figures each so technically squads) each having slightly different but related colour schemes. I have always thought the figures from Citadel for WFB 3rd edition (Citadel and Marauder) were some of the best, with the ones from 6th also being pretty good. There are exception from other editions like a small number from the 4th Edition. As for the rules and army lists none are perfect but I think 6th was the best followed by 3rd, but ideally I would take bits and pieces from both (although that is not practical in most cases).
This is how my template figure looked when I put on the shelf in the late 1990s in a blue livery, I was thinking the second regiment would be similar but in Liche purple instead of blue to distinguish them.
My 3rd edition plastic Dark Elf
crossbow figure in blue livery. |
I like the way he looks in his dark blue livery and light coloured leather armour, but is he really sinister enough to represent a Dark Elf? I think he needs to be a bit darker.