1. SAGA Age of Magic and SAGA Historical 28mm
A place where I provide AAR and other information on my various wargaming activities including: First World War, Second World War, War of 1812, Napoleonic, Dark Ages, Ancients, Medieval, Fantasy, Doctor Who + other Sci-Fi, Pulp Alley and more.
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Friday, 3 January 2020
A list of games to play in 2020
SAGA AoM Multi player game
SAGA AoM Four player game, December 29, 2019:
Brother's in Arms Scenario
This was my first attempt at a SAGA Age of Magic (AoM) multi player game intended for 4 players, the scenario was called "Brother's in Arms"- where two sides of two warbands face off against each other on a 4' x 6' playing area (my Frostgrave mat). The objective is to get as many of your units on the other sides half of the board while taking as few loses as possible and inflicting as may loses as possible on the enemy.
This was also the first time I got to use my new camera on my new cellphone, which produced much better pictures.
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Overview of the Battlefield |
Tuesday, 31 December 2019
SAGA AoM club game 20 December 2019
Ottawa Miniatures Gamers Club annual Christmas Dinner Meeting
This is my After Action Report (AAR) on the most recent SAGA age of magic (AoM) game I played on December 20th which was at my local games club (OMG). We started with the traditional festive feast from a local Indian Restaurant then began our games around 7:30pm, as I recall there were 5 or 6 games and 10 to 12 players.
I had prepared a Christmas themed 8 point SAGA AoM warband for the occasion called Santa's Great Kingdom warband. It consisted of the following:
Warlord - Santa and Sorceress - Santa's assistant
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Santa and his Lovely Assistant |
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