This is a list with pictures of most of the 28mm Doctor Who Games I have run using Doctor Who the Miniatures Game (DWMG) by Graeme Dawson, the first edition of which was published in 2006 and the second edition came out in late 2008. But first some background.
The first Doctor game I ever ran was in December of 2006 and with a different set of rules. This was the result of my old high school friend Lee visiting from Ireland in July of 2007 and kindly bringing me a copy of a set of rules entitled "Doctor Who Skirmish Wargames" he picked up in a shop in Ireland. He had no idea of the seed he had just planted! The rule book had no author, date or publisher listed, a bit of a mystery.
My first set of Doctor Who rules |
These rules weren't very good and only really covered the 1970s but they inspired me to try a Doctor Who based miniature game as Doctor Who was one of my favourite TV Science Fiction shows that I had first started watching on TV Ontario (Public Television) in the 1970s beginning with the Third Doctor - Jon Pertwee.