Monday, 20 January 2025

Ship Battle - "Pirates 3rd Edition" by Flagship Games from 2016

I was going through some images from back in January 2016 and found these naval combat pictures from a Naval Fantasy Skirmish game called "Pirates: Miniature Battles on the High Seas, 3rd Ed. by Flagship Games (sold by Scale Creep Miniatures SCM-FGP3)  that covers the period from 1400 to 1650 for historical and fantasy battles. The game was introduced to me by my friend John who contributed two ships and some of the figures, I contributed two ships plus figures, the sea mat and hosted the game.

Here is a link to the rules and to Scale Creep where they can be purchased:

As I recall this particular game involved ship to ship combat, boarding and finding a treasure chest on an Island.


Aft end of my Skeleton ship

Monday, 6 January 2025

Cards for Fantastic Battles

Here are some of the Fantastic Battle cards I have created for relics, spells and strategies, in order to help players avoid having to flip through the rule book to find them.  They have proved useful over the last two year or so.  You may have noted some of them in my AARs.  I also have made some company cards for various races but will post those another time.  Although you can see some of the cards (including some of these relic cards) in use in my earlier blog entitled "Fantastic Battles Dwarfs versus High Elves August 1, 2022."plus other later blogs.

Disclaimer: I found these images through an online searches and was unable to determine if they were copyrighted. No copyright infringement is intended and if I am informed that this is the case I will remove them from this blog.

Relic cards

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Fantastic Battles Convoy Ambush December 27, 2024

 This was our annual Christmas holiday game, using Fantastic Battles mass combat rules set this year and its  Ambush the Convoy Scenario, a 3 player scenario. It features a dwarf convoy attempting to exit the board with ambushing forces on either flank, made up of Dark Elf and Undead armies, all in 28mm scale.


The three armies overseen by Joey

In keeping with the season I used my tundra mat and snowy pine forests. I played the Dwarf army.