A place where I provide AAR and other information on my various wargaming activities including: First World War, Second World War, War of 1812, Napoleonic, Dark Ages, Ancients, Medieval, Fantasy, Doctor Who + other Sci-Fi, Pulp Alley and more.
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Saturday, 31 December 2016
Pulp Alley Doctor Who game: Day of the Daleks.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Pulp Alley Star Trek: The Apple
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From the original Star Trek T.V. episode "The Apple" Vaal. |
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Monster Mash Halloween Pulp Alley Game
Monster Mash
This was a seven player game with a Halloween monster theme using the Pulp Alley rules.An Overview of the battlefield showing the Crypt and the 4 areas with minor objectives |
Monday, 21 November 2016
Doctor Who the Miniatures Game (DWMG) webpage and Yahoo group shut down.
Thankfully it has not been entirely removed from the internet:
Monday, 14 November 2016
Flames of War Pacific
This game had 4 players and some spectators, including The Ronin North of the River Each player had 1,000 FoW points worth of troops and the game lasted 4 turns. The Japanese proved to be very effective, especially attacking at night in the jungle, see the special FoW rules for them here:
Overview of the battle field - Japanese deploy forward near the British artillery at night. |
Elf Civil War, KOW
AAR Report Elf Civil War: KoW 10 Jan. 2016
General note:
We were eager to get a game in as the miniatures had been languishing in storage due to having given up on WFB after one too many rule and army book changes. Some figures got put away before they fully painted when we abandoned WFB. Now that we have found a game system to use that is fast and enjoyable no doubt the motivation to finish painting these figures and paint some more figures. The green and red Dark Elf spearmen that I got on email in particular need a repaint to more appropriate Dark Elf colours, although if I ever run a Christmas game....
Each side had 2,700 points and the terms in brackets are either GW WHFB names or explanations. Magic items and spells are not listed but there were some included.Elves (High Elves and Wood Elves):
1 Archer regiment
1 Palace Guard (Swordmasters) regiment
1 Kindered Glade Stalker (Waywatchers) troop (scouts with bows)
1 Sea Guard regiment (armed with spears and bows)
1 Kindered Tall Spears (ElvenSpears) horde
1 Hunters of the Wild (Dryads) regiment
1 Forest Shambler (3 Ents or small Treemen) regiment
2 Stormwind Cavalry regiments (Dragon Princes, Silver Helms)
1 Chariot Regiment (Tyronic Chariots, some with Lions)
1 Bolt Thrower
1 Mounted Army standard
1 Mage (Elven wizard)
1 Elven King (Hero, Champion, General)
1 Elven Dragon Lord riding a Dragon
1 Tree Herder (Monster – 1 Large Treeman)
Twilight Kin (Dark Elves)
2 Spear (Dark Elf spearmen) hordes
1 Crossbow (Dark Elf repeating crossbows) troop
1 Buccaneer (Corsairs) regiment
2 Reaper Guard (Black Guard, Executioners) regiments
1 Blade Dancers (Witch Elves) regiment
1 Shades (Dark Elf Shadows, Scouts with X-bows) Troop
1 Ba'su'su's Vile Spawn (Harpies) regiment
1 Dark Knights (Cold Ones) regiment
1 Twilight Dragon Breath (Flame thrower cannon represented by the Cauldron of Blood)
1 Hydra (monster)
1 Dark Lord (Champion)
1 Dark Lord on Battle Dragon (General)
1 High Priestess of the Abyss (Sorceress)
1 Assassin
Here is a view of the set-up and terrain which included hills, roads, a house, and hedges.
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Kings of War Halloween Game 2015 AAR
The Undead (Vampire Counts)
1 Regiment of Skeleton Warriors w/swords (20)
1 Regiment of Skeleton Spearmen (20)
1 Regiment of Revenants (Graveguard) (20)
1 Regiment of Wraiths (20)
1 Troop of Mummies (10)
1 Regiment of Zombies (20)
1 Regiment of Werewolves (3)
1 Regiment of Wights (3) w/ blade of slashing
1 Mounted Undead Army Battle Standard bearer
1 Vampire Lord (Evil Ash) with Heal & Lighting Bolt Spells
1 Lich King mounted on undead horse with Boom Stick & Bane Chant spell
1 Necromancer / Sorceress (Deadite Sheila) w/ Ensorcelled armour & Lightning bolt spell
Empire of Dust Allied Contingent (Tomb Kings)
1 Regiment of Skeleton Archers (20) w/ piercing arrow
1 Regiment - Swarm (Scarab Beetles) (3)
1 Regiment of Skeleton Cavalry / horsemen with lances (10)
1 Balefire Catapult (Bone Chukka catapult)
1 Bone Giant
The Elves (High Elf + Wood Elf)
1 Regiment Kindred Archers (20) w/war bow of Kaba
1 Regiment of Palace Guard (Sword masters) (20) w/ Chant of Hate
1 Troop of Palace Guard (Lions of Chrace, axes) (10) w/ Brew of Strength
1 Troops of Kindred Glade stalkers (Scouts or Way Watchers w/bows) (10)
1 Regiment of Therennian Sea Guard (Seaguard w/ bow) (20) w/ Piercing Arrow
1 Regiment of Kindred Tallspears (Warriors /spearmen)(20)
1 Regiment of Kindred Tallspears (Maiden Guard with spears)(20) w/Brew of Haste.
1 Regiment of Forest Shamblers (Treemen, Ents) (3)
1 Regiment of Stormwind Cavalry (Silverhelms) (10)
1 Regiment of Stormwind Cavalry (Dragon Princes) (10) w/ Helm of Confidence
1 Regiment of Chariots (3)
1 Bolt Thrower
1 Army Standard Bearer mounted on horse w/ Quick Silver Rapier
1 Elven Mage w/ Fireball spell & healing charm
1 Elven King / General w/ Enscrolled Armour
1 Elven Prince on Horse with Blade of the Beast Slayer
House Rules:
The only change we made to the rules (halfway through the game) was to allow the defending player make his own “Nerve” roll rather than the attacker. It seems more appropriate and gives the defender something to do while the attacking player’s turn is taking place.
Overview |
Friday, 11 November 2016
Viking Army Victorious at OMG SAGA 2016 Tournament
The victorious Viking Army with their plunder. |
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Doctor Who: Battlefield - Cangames 2013
Catching up on some AAR of games prior to my creating this Blog. Back in May 2013 I ran my annual Doctor Who game using the Doctor Who Miniature Games (DWMG) rules at the Cangames 2013 convention in May of that year. This game featured the 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy), Ace (Sophie Alfred) plus Morgaine (Jean Marsh) and her dimension shifting Knights that was based on the TV episode and book "Battlefield." A summary of the TV episode with pictures can be found here:
Above: Morgaine's knights, figures by Alternative Armies: Iron Age Retained Knights