Diamond Heist in Gotham City
The scene outside the First National Bank on a seemingly peaceful day in Gotham City |
GM's Note: This was a quickly thrown together Pulp Alley Scenario to fill in a spot at my local Games Club on February 11, 2018. I gathered up what buildings I had and re-based many Heroclix figures on clear bases. It was also a good chance to try the new Cigar Store city mat. This was the first time I have used Pulp Alley for the Superhero genre, it seems like a natural fit. I used the Lost Keys scenario, which means the mission for each of the 4 leagues was to locate a key or clue as step one then proceed to get the main plot point (the safe with the diamonds). This was a scenario originally designed for four players but we ended up only having three. There was no "honour among thieves" so the Joker and Riddler's leagues did not cooperate, but rather fought each other for the prize (main plot point).
The Setting:
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The bank has hired Black Cat to guard the diamonds. The curious cat resist examining the bobbles. |
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The Riddler, Catwoman, their allies Conundrum, Ehco and Query, plus follower Lexa. |
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The Joker's League: L-R Gang of thugs, Penguin (sidekick), Joker and Harley Quinn (sidekick) |
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Titanic Trio: Batman, and his sidekicks Robin and Batgirl |
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Commissioner Gordon, his plain clothes detectives and uniformed officers plus their dog decided it was best to leave this job to the Titanic Trio. |
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Two reporters (Bystanders): Vicky Vale and Joey Day |
The Story
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The First National Bank faces the Gotham Library |
The reports keep an eye on the bank from across the street |
The view from the bank |
All seems calm at first |
A car fills up with gas. |
Overview: the Joker's League is ready to move. |
At the start line: Joker, Penguin, Harley Quinn & gang |
Penguin and his deadly umbrella. |
Vicky Vale standing next to a pillar plot point in front of the library sees the Riddler approaching |
Catwoman and Conundrum square off against Joker's gang |
There are two yellow plot points on roof tops, Harlequin attempts to gain the one on the left, Robin the on the right while Riddler goes after the pillar plot point by the Library. |
Echo, one of the Riddler's allies, shoots Joker in the back,while Harlequin grabs the objective on the roof |
Joker dodges the shot from behind. |
Harley Quinn atop the garage roof manages to dodge the gunfire from the Riddler's League and hold on to the plot point key |
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Batgirl gains the plot point key & passes it on to Robin who relays it to Batman |
With the plot point key Batman makes the perilous climb to the roof of the bank |
Joker's gang brawls with Catwoman. |
Penguin urges the Joker's gang to keep fighting |
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Query peppers Joker's gang with pistol fire while the Riddler sneaks into the bank, and his ally Conundrum prevents the Joker from following him. |
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There is a hale of gunfire from the gang and Query is down. Meanwhile the Joker with a plot point key tries to get to the bank door but is delayed by Conundrum and they slug it out. |
Query recovers but the Joker eliminates Conundrum, however her sacrifice prevents Joker entering the bank. Joker's gang having taken too many casualties routes. |
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Riddler enters the bank and uses his power of persuasion to try to convince Black Cat to give him the diamonds. |
Riddler is 2/3 of the way to successfully stealing the diamonds when Batman, Robin and Batgirl arrive. |
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The Riddler on his own is no match for Titanic Trio |
The Titanic trio defeat Riddler and the diamonds are secured |
The game finished after 6 turns and everyone had a good time. I will certainly run some more Batman games, perhaps tweaking some of the character stats due to lessons learned.Thanks to Terry and Bob in Edmonton for their inspiration and stats for characters. Also thanks to the Batman player who contributed many of these pictures as the GM was buys both running the game, playing the Riddler and taking only a few pictures. Unfortunately the lighting was not very good so some of the photos are a bit out of focus. I was however pleased with the clear 3mm thick acrylic bases from Litko, this was the first time I used them for the majority of the figures I fielded for a game.
Here are the Character cards for the Titanic Trio (others to appear in the next post)..
Titanic Trio
of Heroes [2]: Two
Sidekicks: Robin & Batgirl
of Science [2]: Roll
for Resource points using Cunning dice of leader.
Batman, Robin &
Leader: Batman
Brawl 3 d 10
Shoot 2 d 8
Dodge 3 d 10
Might 3 d 10
Finesse 2 d 8
3 d 10
Intimidating: Lower level enemies must
roll a 1d Cunning success when fighting you. If failed, they can only dodge,
Moxie: Ignore multiple
Combats penalty when rolling brawl dice.
of Steel: Brawl & Might
dice not lowered due to injuries.
never lowered below rolling 1 die, range 12”
Health: d10 d8
d6 Down Out
Sidekick: Robin
Brawl 3 d 8
Shoot 2 d 6
Dodge 3 d 8
Might 3 d 8
Finesse 2 d 6
d 6
Strike: Once
per turn, shift your Brawl dice-type down to gain a +2d Brawl bonus.
Moxie: Ignore multiple
Combats penalty when rolling brawl dice.
never lowered below rolling 1 die, range 12”
Health: d8
d6 Down Out
Brawl 3 d 8
Shoot 2 d 6
Dodge 3 d 8
Might 2 d 6
Finesse 3 d 8
d 6
Deductive: Action: Draw one
fortune card.
Moxie: Ignore multiple
Combats penalty when rolling brawl dice.
never lowered below rolling 1 die, range 12”
Health: d8
d6 Down Out
Great AAR. The cigar store mat is lovely.
Thanks Bob.
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