Wednesday 25 April 2018

TerraClips: Buildings of Malifaux Mansion

Building a Mansion

A little late posting this review. Over the Christmas Holiday I put together this TerraClips: Buildings of Malifaux  Mansion for use in a Pulp Alley game from the Tomb of the Serpent Campaign.

With two levels

Side view

Upper level, figure for scale

Ground floor

View of the ground floor

My finished version with two levels and garage

Overall I am very happy with the art work and general appearance and look forward to using it in a game.   However there are a few things that left me a little dissatisfied. The clips do show up more than I would like (depending on the lighting), and it did take at least an hour to assemble it which is not bad but does discourage me from taking it apart to store it and then reassembling it later. Plus I found there was some wear and tear just assembling it when I moved clips around and I had to make some repairs with white glue.   I think multiple assemblies and disassembles wold likely cause damage to the mansion.

1 comment:

Frank O Donnell said...

If it gets damaged while your putting it together or taking it a part no matter how well it looks its disappointing, good luck with the game I look forward to reading all about it :)