Tuesday 22 January 2019

A Look Back: Doctor Who - Resurrection of the Daleks, July 2008

This was a game I ran in July 2008 with my friend Lee who was visiting from Ireland.  Lee was the one who got me started playing Doctor Who miniature games when he brought me a set of rules in July 2006 (see my blog on the history of my Doctor Who games).  This Scenario was entitled "The Resurrection of the Daleks" and was an updated version of "The Resurrection of Evil - the Daleks" that I ran at Cangames in May 2008..  The rules we were using were: Doctor Who the Miniatures Game (DWMG).

Lee overlooking the game board.

Scenario outline:

In the earth year 2686 Dalek trooper rescued Davros from an orbiting space station  But as they were escaping they intercepted by Movellan cruiser and both ships took heavy damage in the resulting combat.  In an effort to evade the Movellan's the Dalek ship entered an unstable time vortex that resulted in both ships crash landing on Earth in October 1984 near a small English town. Davros and the Dalek troopers who rescued him have survived but their ship is too badly damaged to leave the earth.  Only 3 Movellans survived their ship's crash and they are guarding its vital cargo, the deadly  Movellan virus that kills Daleks on contact.
A second Dalek ship has arrived and transported two squads of Daleks to deal with the situation.  Meanwhile UNIT forces and the Fifth Doctor with Turlough, Tegan and three Galifrey guards have arrived to attempt to defeat the Daleks. 

As this was in the early days of my DWMG games not all the figures were fully painted yet.

The forces:

Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough, 3 Galifrey Guards
Brigadier, Scorpion tank, and bazooka team
Sgt. Benton and 8 UNIT troopers
Corporal and 8 UNIT troopers including a sniper
3 Movellans

5 Daleks and 1 Heavy weapons Dalek, and 1 Black Dalek
6 Gold Daleks
7 Dalek troopers and Davros

The story:

The battle starts in the town where UNIT encounters the Daleks, and two buildings are soon on fire

Daleks and UNIT troops shoot it out in the town
The Brigadier arrives near the wrecked Movellan ship in his Land Rover, and UNIT troopers with a bazooka team backed up by a Scorpion tank soon follow.  They are aided by the Doctor and his companions.  The Movellan ship is protected by its crew and a force-field (small towers) that impede the Daleks progress. The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to neutralize a couple of Daleks and Turlough advances on one of them.

Combat near the crashed Movellan ship, 3 Movellans defend their
 ship aided by the Doctor, Turlough, Tegan, Galifry guard and UNIT.

Dalek troopers defend their ship and Davros,
Two Galifrey guards have been gunned down.
The Daleks try to disengage from the town fight to move towards the Movellan ship.

Fighting near the town, the Dalek's take heavy casualties
 Around the crashed Movellan ship, 2 surviving Movellans, a Galifrey guard captain, Tegan, Turlough, and the UNIT forces fight off the gold Daleks inflicting many casualties on them.

The Doctor and Turlough are eye ball to eye stock with 
2 Daleks,the Doctor neutralizes them with his sonic screwdriver
 and Turlough manages to take one down in melee.

Overview of the battle, there are only 2 gold Daleks remaining.

UNIT troops manage to inflict casualties on the Dalek troopers

Dalek troopers take more casualties as UNIT advances on
 their ship, but the two Galifrey guards have been shot down.

 Davros and his body guards attempt to rush to safety.

Will Davros escape?
 No he will not, Davros is captured and he is put back in his cryogenic prison, aided by the heroic side rolling a 6, always a good thing!

Davros is back in prison, but his captors have paid a high price.

It was a close fought battle, a cliff hanger ending on the last turn, just like most Doctor Who episode and a result of the DWMG rules that do a good job of reproducing the tension.
There was some discussion if Turlough should have been able to defeat a Dalek in melee, but I think that it correct, as in the TV episodes Daleks were pretty hepless once the attacker got past their blasters. 

It was great to get back together with Lee and finally play the game he had first got me interested in two years earlier.

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