Wednesday 15 May 2019

Terror at Devils Bay Prep Cangames 2019

Preparation work for Cangames 2019: Doctor Who: Terror at Devils Bay.

Where things were in late May 2018

A lot of work needs to be done on the buildings, boat, land rover and a few figures.

Things are not working out as planned, I tried weathering this MDF security hut using a technique I found on YouTube - spraying a lighter paint from above  on to a darker colour  building, in this case tan over dark brown.  Unfortunately the paint spattered (maybe a bad lot). The building looks like it is spattered with mud rather than shaded.

Security hut.
We have been having a lot of rainy weather here for a few days and I have been waiting to get a chance to try this technique as the graffiti paint I was using is particularly smelly. I only got a brief chance to paint when the rains stopped and soon found seagulls were as much a problem as the rain. It was a very disappointing result, time is short and more rain is expected.   I will have to repaint it dark brown.  I think I will go back to the old fashioned dry-brush technique, seems more reliable.

Thinking of elevating the Boffors 40mm, but perhaps the hill / sand dune and platform are bit too much elevation, not to mention leaving a huge blind spot.

Boffors 40mm on observation post.

Some other work in progress.

Second HQ building almost finished

Roof on hanger painted black

Overview, roofs now metal and rusted on barracks, hovercraft block painted

Launch  painted Army Painter bright red & Vallejo Mahogany brown with airbrush

Just the sort of problem I don't need as time grows short - flaky decals. The blue just flaked off the decal around the edges, I tried a second one that applied Micro Scale decal sealant to with the same result.  . I will have to hand paint around the numbers once it fully dries.

The annoyance of bad decals
It took some delicate hand painting and varnishing but I managed to fix it, although there some minor rough spots from the fragmented decal remain, that show depending how the light hits it.

Decal repaired.

Added a .50 Cal to the Land Rover.

Land Rover with .50 cal
 Time to pack it up for the Convention:

Ready to pack.

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