Tuesday 31 December 2019

SAGA AoM club game 20 December 2019

Ottawa Miniatures Gamers Club annual Christmas Dinner  Meeting

This is my After Action Report (AAR) on the most recent SAGA age of magic (AoM) game I played on December 20th  which was at my local games club (OMG).  We started with the traditional festive feast from a local Indian Restaurant then began our games around 7:30pm, as I recall there were 5 or 6 games and 10 to 12 players.

I had prepared a  Christmas themed 8 point SAGA AoM warband for the occasion called Santa's Great Kingdom warband.   It consisted of the following:

Warlord - Santa and Sorceress - Santa's assistant

Santa and his Lovely Assistant

Creature unit - 3 Reindeer

Moose and Reindeer

Monster - Behemoth - Giant Santa

Giant Santa

Levi - 12 rifle armed troops - Mix of Santa's' Elves with Mary Claus and Mounties

Elves and Mary Claus


Warriors - 10  Elf Warriors

Christmas livery

Hearthguard - 6 Clockwork  Soldiers

Micro Universe Doctor Who Clockwork Soldiers. 
Need to finish those bases

Paladin - mounted - Sergeant Renfrew

Renfrew and his Incredible Dog Cuddles

My opponent had a hoard army made up of Ogres, Orcs and Goblins, hereafter known as the Hoard.
Orc hearthguards and goblin warriors.

The scenario was called "Confusion" where you have  6 turns to attempt to get your units close to the other sides board edge while taking as few casualties as possible.  The board was divided diagonally from corner to corner with Santa's army (first player) deploying first in their choice of  triangular area M (6") distance from the dividing line then the Hoard army deployed on the opposite side of the dividing line M away. Since the Hoard army deploys second (as second player) they move first but only get 3 SAGA dice.

Initial set-up

The initial set up, Santa's army in the foreground

Two units of Ogre creatures

Turn 1

The Hoard Ogre creatures advance

The Reindeer engage the Ogres but suffer 4 fatigues 
despite outnumbering the enemy

Two Reindeer are lost and the 
remaining Moose is exhausted
 Despite having two more dice to roll in the combat the Santa's Reindeer lost the battle, having rolled poorly. This leaves an opening in Christmas Warband's left flank.

Overview, left flank open.

The Moose is forced to retreat

 Turn 2

The Hoard army exploits the situation on the left flank.


Ogres finish off the lone Moose 
who once again rolls poorly.

Goblins move into the opening on the left  flank.

Santa's Levy on the hill 
now must hold the left flank 

The Giant Santa anchors the centre of the line
The Giant Santa anchors his armies centre and Renfrew advances into enemy territory.

The Giant is not immune, he has taken 3 hits.

Overview, each side has managed to exploit a flank.

Santa's Army holds the centre

Turn 3

Renfrew battles the enemy Goblin heroes
 but he is repulsed and exhausted

The Giant Santa is killed by Goblin Hearthguards

Turn 4 

Goblin creatures attempt to push Santa's 
sorceress and the levy off the hill

Goblin warriors advance into the open flank


The Levy and Sorceress survive 
the attack and still hold the hill

Turn 5

Santa's troops are pushed off the hill

The Sorceress attempts to use a lightning
 bolt spell to stop the enemy advance 
but it  does not cause enought damage

The Goblin Heartguard and Santa's 
Clockwork soldiers do battle.

Goblin creatures control the hill

Santa's elf warriors advance to try
 to find an enemy to fight

Turn 6

In the final turn I took some calculated gambles and made a series of attacks with Santa's army to try and turn the tide as I was clearly behind in victory points.

The Clockwork soldiers attack
 the Goblin Hearthguard

It is a bloody battle and the Clockwork 
soldiers are destroyed.

Goblin warriors maul the remaining 
Levy of Mounties

Santa  fights  the Goblin Warlord and pushes him 
back, but he  need to kill him to secuare a victory

Santa glares at the Goblins!

Disregarding his fatigue Renfrew attacks a Goblin 
hero to gain some victory points and is killed!

Goblin and Elf warriors clash

The Goblins are pushed back but it is not a decisive 
enough result to change the course of the battle.

The game ended at the end of turn 6 with Santa's warband being defeated (on points) - no Christmas in Whoville this year!

Image result for grinch who stole christmas


This game was a good learning experience as I discovered I had been misinterpreting a few rules, in particular the resilience for a creature unit is per unit not per figures.  That means a two  figure creature unit has 4 not 8 resilience points it can use to convert hits into fatigue markers before figures start being removed as casualties.  That makes creature units much less powerful.

My army had a good chance but the lose of the reindeer in turn 2 hurt and the tide really turned against them in turn  4 when they suffered too many casualties and could never really recover.    Valuable lessons were learned.

It was an enjoyable game and a great way to end the year and celebrate Christmas at the club.

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