Preparations: "Let's Kill Hitler" Scenario for Doctor Who the Miniatures Game
Update: April 3, 2020
Sadly due to the Covid-19 Virus (Coronavirus) Cangames 2020 has been cancelled and will not be held again until next year in May 2021. I have been informed the theme of "Portals / Lets Get Hitler" will remain the same for Cangames 2010 so my scenario will also remain the same with a new target date for mid-May 2021. On the bright side it gives me more time to work on the buildings.
Covid-19 Virus |
Cangames 2020 - Let's Kill Hitler Game plans: March 16, 2020
My original plan for Cangames 2020 (May 15-17, 2020) Doctor Who game,was to run a continuation of my game from the 2019 Convention where the Sea Devils captured the Naval base, this year the Human forces would attempt to retake base from the Sea Devils. However my plans have changed, and I will join in with other members of the Ottawa Miniature Gamers Club to run a series of connected games with the themes "Get Hitler" and "Portal".
The game will be very loosely based / inspired by the Doctor Who episode "Let's Kill Hitler" featuring the 11th Doctor, Amie, Rory, River Song and Hitler.
Publicity shot for Doctor Who: Let's Kill Hitler |
The Let's Kill Hitler scenario will be set in Berlin in the spring or summer of 1945, the Master has attempted to alter History by helping the Nazis, including creating lizard troops for them and extending the war. His latest intervention is restoring a time portal recovered from a Polynesian Archeological expedition that Hitler could use to escape his defeat and restore the Third Reich. But the portal is unstable and up for grabs in the game as the Allies close in on Hitler and the 11th Doctor attempts to foil the Master's plans. The portal might also allow things from other times and dimensions to enter Berlin. Tracking down Hitler will be challenging for the Allied side as there will likely be decoys, possibly 4 Hitler's with only one being the real Hitler..
I have a number of figures and scenery pieces that will work for this theme and a lot of painting to get done. Some examples below:
Portals from Shadows and Brimstone |
Example of painted Portals |
The portal works both ways, who knows what might enter Berlin?
Pterodactyl by Ral Partha,
Silurian Rider by Black Tree
Raptor by Reaper miniatures |
The good guys:
11th Doctor by Crooked Dice |
Amy Pond by Heresy Miniatures |
Dr. River Song and Rory Williams
by Crooked Dice |
Winston Churchill and Body Guard
by Gripping Beast |
British troops, various manufactures
including Black Tree and Foundry |
The good guy's allies, the Soviets:
Joseph Stalin by Black Tree Design |
Soviet troops from Black Tree painted by Braxen |
Soviet ISU-152 - 3D printed 1/56 scale |
Soviet T-34/85 by Warlord Games 1/56 scale |
T-34/85 by Corgi 1/48 scale |
The bad guys:
German zombie soldiers by Studio Miniatures |
Adolf Hitler and his dog Blondie by Crooked Dice |
Adolf Hitler and Body Guard by Gripping Beast |
Adolf Hitler
by Black Tree |
Adolf Hitler Robot by Artizan |
Brown shirt Nazi troopsby Crooked Dice |
Nazi Lizard troops by Crooked Dice |
Ilsa by Pulp Figures |
Ilsa and her SS She Wolves by Pulp Figures |
German Jet Pack trooper
Leader by Pulp Figures. |
German Jet Pack troopers by Pulp Figures |
German 75mm Pak 40 camouflaged
by Black Tree Design 28mm scale |
75mm Pak 40 by Black Tree 28mm scale |
88mm ATG and AA gun, 28mm scale |
Harold Saxon AKA the Master by Heresy Miniatures |
Ideas for Berlin in Ruins and the Buildings I will use:
Berlin Spring 1945 |
Berlin Diorama 1/35 scale by Diorama plus,
need some banners to customize my buildings! |
Some 28mm Berlin buildings and barricades made of MDF.
Albrecht Strasse by
Commission Figurines |
Konig Strasse by
Commission Figurines |
Strasse by Commission Figurines |
Barbed Wire Barricades by 4Ground
Plastic buildings
Gothic Building by Pegasus, this one was used in
my Doctor Who Family of Blood game in 2012 |
The above building could be made to look a bit more German with the eagles from the kit and dioramas in the 3 pictures below:
Old Matchbox 7.5cm Pak 40 and SdKfz 7 |
Diorama of Berlin with damaged
eagle over door by King and Country |
Close up German Eagle by King and Country |
Scorched ruins rear view by
Tehnolog Bronenepahota |
Scorched ruins front view by
Tehnolog Bronenepahota |
Banks by Plasticville on Cigar Store urban mat. |
Three Tenements by Warzone |
More MDF buildings that may or may not be used.
Bunker complex Terra Blocks system
by Sally Forth |
Brown Stones by Northern Lights |
Resin Buildings I will be using:
Two factory buildings by Armorcast,
in my Terror at Devils Bay game in May 2019 |
The two Armorcast factory buildings with improved
roves Terror at Devils Bay game in August 2019 |
Ruined Gothic building corner by GF9 |
More pictures to be added of the city set-up later.
Update March 22, 2020
An overviews of the game board using my 4' x 6' Cigar Store urban mat with some of my buildings set up.
Overview of game board |
I will be adding 5 to 10 more buildings and of course painting the unpainted MDF buildings.
Update March 23
Adding some rubble (more to come) and a Pak40 AT gun and T-34/85.
Overview with rubble |
Gothic Rubble |
House Rubble |
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