My next Dark Elf Old Hammer painting project (actually running simultaneously with painting the remaining crossbow Dark Elves) are some late 1980s command figures: a Citadel C13 Dark Elf General on a Cold One with a matching foot version and a mounted Citadel Dark Elf Sorcerer on a Cold one.
Citadel C13 Dark Elf General on Cold One |
Citadel C13 Dark Elf General on Foot |
Citadel Dark Elf Sorcerer C21 "Addlecore" |
I have already finished the foot version of the Dark Elf General so it will just be a matter of painting the mounted version in the same colour scheme:
Front side: Dark Elf General C13 on foot |
Back: Dark Elf General C13 on foot |
Front: Dark Elf General C13 on foot |
Shield: Dark Elf General C13 on foot |
There is also a version of the general mounted on a Dragonsteed
Dragonsteed, a very bright painting option,
think I will opt for a darker red! |
Next the mounted sorcerer.
Sorcerer on Cold On |
I am undecided on what colour combination to use. I am leaning towards dark purple robes, red trousers, black boots if that is not too much of a colour clash, but apparently this is in fashion now. When I googled it I got results that included reports that the Duchess of Sussex stepped out in"this bold colour clashing combo".
Meghan Marckle |
Coincidentally it was the colour combination on the jersey of one of the hockey teams I played for many years ago. Here are a few samples of what other miniature painters have done
A Red and brown version of Addelcore |
A black and red version |
A light purple version |
The red version looks the best in the pictures above but likely because it has been much more skillfully painted. The black version is interesting, although I don't use black too often for large areas as it tends to hide details on the figure unless you really exaggerate the highlighting. The purple (really mauve) version is a poor example as: the colour is too light a pastel shade, lacks shading, contrasting colours, the turquoise cap is a bad choice, poor lighting and very basic paint job. I think a purple version might work if it is a much darker purple (like the Imperial Purple I used on the Crossbow Dark Elf figure ) with some contrasting colour like red. It would probably resemble the black figure more than the mauve one and fit in with the colour scheme I used for the General.
Examples of darker purple (Imperial Purple) and more muted red below.
Dark Elf Crossbowman in imperial purple |
Marauder MM74 Dark Elf
Sorceress in dark purple
and red on Cold One. |
Marauder MM74 Dark Elf
Hero in red on Cold One |
Update: May 6, 2020
I have painted my first OldHammer Cold One and this certainly will influence my colour scheme for the riders as I want to have them colour coordinated to the mount.
I was inspired by the excellent Cold ones on the Lost and the Damned Blog below:
Dark Elf Doomdrakes from the Lost and the Damned |
Here is my first Oldhammer Cold One, he still needs some minor detailing and varnishing plus flocking the base. I primed it light Grey (Tamiya Surface Primer) but in future I think I will prime black as it makes shading easier.
Citadel C21 Cold One and primary paints I used |
Most of the paints are "Oldhammer" as well some that I purchased in the early1990s, back when Citadel packaged its paints in containers that were airtight. Base coat Orkhide, first highlight Snot Green, final highlight Billious Green, saddle and forked tongue Liche purple, and lower legs
Bubonic Brown. I like the result although I think the Bilious green may be a bit too bright. I tried the Army Painter Jungle green that looks be a less bright light / lime green final highlight choice but I must have a defective lot as no matter how much I mix and shake it the colour is translucent and useless for dry-brushing.
Next the potential riders:
6th Ed. Sorceress, Addelcore and General |
For the mounted Sorcerer - Addelcore I am thinking dark purple for the robes and hat, green for the sash, black trousers, not sure about the boots: black purple or dark brown? It would be a similar colour scheme to
"Morathi: Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress" (GW 1997) on the left and the General on the right and below.
C13 Dark Elf General and cold One Front view |
As you can see above and below I have repainted details on the general repainting the red detailing with other colorus: the sash is now Snot Green and the bolt fletches (feathers) are now purple to tie him in to the Cold One's colour scheme.
C13 Dark Elf General and Cold One Back view |
Below is the riding version of the general who I will paint to match the foot General.
Unpainted mounted version of General |
Update 7 May 2020
As mentioned above the
Bilious green may be a bit too bright as a final highlight on the Cold One. Vallejo Green Model Wash for Green Vehicles to the rescue! I applied this to the Cold One last night with a wet brush and then used a dampened flat brush to remove any that was too thick on upper surfaces to help maintain the highlights. Not sure if you would call this a wash or a glaze but I think it sufficiently toned down the overly bright highlights.
Cold One after green wash / glaze |
Cold One after green wash / glaze |
Next Army Painter anti-shine spray varnish which I think makes it slightly darker still.
Cold One Left side |
Cold One Right Side |
Cold One front |
Next adding flock, and painting the rider who will be the sorcerer Addelcore, the General's Cold One is underway as it has been primed black. Addelcore is pictured below but what has he got on his feet?
Addelcore miniature primed | |
Addelcore miniature on painting stand |
Not sure if those are boots or leggings and shoes on his shin and feet.
I am also going to need to decide what I do for Dark Elf skin going forward, I want something a little paler and cooler. See separate post on this.
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