These are the Citadel Iron Claw Female and Male Harpies sculpted by Bob Olley and produced sometime between 1988 and 1990 for Chaos and / or Dark Elf armies in Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) 3rd edition. They would also work well for Greek mythology based games or SAGA AOM. Back in the early 1990s I bought 2 blisters of them giving me 4 harpies, they were pricey then but I wish I had bought more as they now for for inflated prices on eBay. There were originally 4 different versions but only 3 were released with wing variants. Anyway they are now finally painted and ready for the gaming table. Take a good look at the faces (more on that later).
Front View |
Back View |
Original Blister: Citadel Iron Claw
Female Harpies sculpted by Bob Olley |
There is some interesting background information about these figures on
Goblin Lees' Miniatures Blog including which two famous 1980s political leaders and First Lady's faces were used for the Harpies. See if you can name them before checking the blog below:
These Harpies were replaced around 1995 for WFB 4th / 5th edition with a newer version that looked more like gargoyles to me. I bought 4 of them at the time but have since sold them off on eBay as I never really liked them.
4th Ed. Harpies / Gargoyles |
4th Ed Harpies I sold |
In 2001 the Dark Elf Harpies were updated again by Citadel, returning to a more traditional style for 6th edition WFB. I have about 10 of these in metal I am working on painting. I like the look of them almost as much as the 3rd edition versions but they have a more bat rather than bird look and won't fit as well into Greek Mythology games as compared to the more traditional 3rd edition Harpies.
6th Ed. Metal Harpies |
6th Ed. Fine Cast Harpies, the ones I have are metal and look the same. |
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