Tuesday 21 April 2020

More painted Undead troops

Coming off the production  line for my 28mm Warhammer / SAGA AoM/ KoW Undead armies. starting with a Grenadier Emperor in Palanquin  along with, a Citadel WFB 4th edition Skeleton Wight Lord, and two RAFM  skeletons acting as crossbow commanders after they were  converted  by slinging crossbows over their backs.

Palanquin front view

Palanquin side view


Work in Progress on RAFM
 Skeleton War Chiefs

A selection of troops shown below including 3 light and 2 heavy catapults, a chariot, 20 skeleton crossbows, armoured skeletons spearmen / Grave Guard, Army Standard, Vampires mounted and dismounted, Necromancers, Wight Lord, skeleton drummer and a Wraith king.

The Undead hoard

Arkhan the Black GW Citadel WFB 4th Ed.


Thantsants said...

A fine horde - really loving that palanquin in particular!

Lord of the Western Keep said...

Thanks Palanquin had been sitting around waiting to be painted for many years. At first I had the cloaks of the bearers painted brown but I changed my mind and decided red would look better and am pleased with the result. I look forward to using it in a game once we can do that sort of thing again!

江北武士浪人 said...

Scary stuff! :)