Friday, 18 December 2020

Club Christmas Holiday Game 18 December 2020

 SAGA Age of Magic December 2020 Christmas game

I have not been providing may AAR as I simply have not had the time, it comes down to prep and play games or write AAR, not usually time for both .  So here is a very late AAR. 

Shortly before the latest lock-down was imposed I got a chance to play a SAGA Age of Magic game along with a Festive Indian meal, all with social distancing and masks at my local games club on Friday December 18,2020.   This time I tried out the Lords of the Wild Board using my Wood Elves.

My Wood Elf Hearthguard under fluorescent light

This game was held on the main level of the building my club uses which as incandescent chandelier light that resulted in everything taking on a brownish hue. We normally game in the lower level which has fluorescent lights that seem to create a truer representation of the colours.

My Wood Elf Army setting up under incandescent light

 We rolled for the scenario which was Clash of Warlords (basically kill the other sides leader). The terrain and deployment were also determined by a dice roll.


Wood Elves Warband  (Lords of the Wild Board):

1 x Warlord on foot                                                                              0 points

4 x Warrior bow units = 32 figures, 4 units of: 10,10,8, 4                4 points

3 x. Hearhguard (HG) 12 figures -2 = 10 (2 units of  5)                    3 points

1 x Paladin / Ranger                                                                         -2 HG

1 x Monster, Scourge Green Dragon                                                    1 point

Total                                                                                                 8 points

8 SAGA dice

My Green dragon who is represented as a Scourge in SAGA AoM, meaning he can fly and has a breath attack.

Green Dragon under fluorescent light

I don't have the full Roster for my opponent Sean's  army, but his  army was a hoard Army made up of some well painted Chaos Beastmen.

Sean's Beastman warband


I will let the pictures tell the remainder of the story with minimal comments.

The forces involved are shown below.

Turn 1

Turn 2

Turn 3

My wood elf archers had been wearing down the Chaos Monster / Behemoth since turn 1 with their archery, and finally kill it on turn 3 as it tries to flee by pursuing it and sending in another volley of arrows.

Chaos Minotaur monsters killed by arrow fire


The pictures below are Sean's, his camera was better able to filter out the brownish tinge of the lighting caused by the incandescent lights.


Chaos Minotaur monster is slain.

The Beastmen

Hearthguard protect warrior archers in the woods


It was a close battle, but the slaying of the Minotaur ensured the Wood Elf Victory.  The Wood Elves also made good use of their ambush abilities.  It was great getting together with Shawn and other members of the club, and it was yet another enjoyable game of SAGA AoM.

Other Games

Another game held at the club involving a Christmas themed Army from the War in Christmas Village range




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