Best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas 2020 and a Happy New Year, may 2021 be a better year.
Christmas Tree and Joey
Christmas themed figures from "The War in Christmas Village" under the tree below plus a Trebuchet:
War in Christmas Village figures
More information on the "War in Christmas Village" game and figures plus pictures from this year's (2020) Christmas themed games below:
Video reviews of "the War in Christmas Village" game below:
The War in Christmas Village figures are made by JackPole Enterprises and images are shown below. The scale using a standard human male is 30mm from shoes to eyes.
First set Box Art: War in Christmas Village
The first set in the series includes the following plastic figures: Snowman with axe, Santa Claus, Grumpus, Father Christmas and a reindeer (not shown in box art).
First Set figures in box
Additionally there are the following five other sets:
Snow Goonz set and the box art
Mistletoe Misfits set in the box
Oh Christmas Tree set in the box
She Ain't Having It set in the box
Gingerbread Gang set pro painted, back of box art
These figures can be purchased on Amazon or eBay.
A friend at OMG can 3D print "Holiday Horrors" figures shown below (excluding the trees) that look similar to those used in the "War in
Christmas Village".
3D printed Holiday Horrors figures
You can see painted examples of these 3D Christmas Horrors figures further down in the OMG Christmas game section.
War in Christmas Village game rules.
The "War in Christmas Village" game itself comes with cards instead of figures which are an optional extra. Examples of cards:
Cards |
cards |
The "War in Christmas Village" miniature game rules can be downloaded in PDF format at the Wargame Vault website.
There area also 28mm Christmas or winter themed figures available from companies that I am listing below with pictures, some of which are from my collection.
Alternative Armies snowmen plus they also make other types of Christmas themed figures like a vampire and Liche.
Old Glory make a set of Snowmen and children:
Old Glory Evil Snowmen and Children
Two on the left Old Glory snowmen.
My Old Glory Children with snowballs
Copplestone (North Star) also makes snowmen:
Copplestone evil Snowmen and penguin chums
My Copplestone evil Snowmen
Victory Force Games makes a Santa and his Elves set with many add on figures with different weapons options:
Santa and his Elves with HMG, rifles and Flamethrower
Wargames Supply Dump (WSD) Santa Wars range, now sadly OOP:
Santa with AK47 WSD
Dougie the Christmas Tree
Jack Frost
Queenie: one of the few from the set I am missing
Dougie, Jack Frost by WSD & Winter Witch by Reaper
WSD Snowmen
WSD Santa's Elves
More background information on the WSD Santa War figures at the sculptor's blog:
Reaper makes a great Sanaa's sleigh figure:
Ottawa Miniatures Gamers (OMG) Christmas 2020 Game
Below are some picture from a game session held on December 18, 2020 at my local games club the OMG featuring a Christmas themed Warband versus a Warband of Goblins & Orcs with a Dinosaur in a SAGA Age of Magic game. The Christmas figures are a mix of 3D printed Christmas Horrors figures and "War in Christmas Village" figures.
A highlight from last Christmas:
Some of my Dark Elf warriors in Christmas livery 2019 | |
the colour of the mat above under fluorescent light, the OMG game I
played below was played on the same mat in an alternate location (for
Social distancing) with incandescent light making the green in the mat
appear brownish.
My OMG Christmas 2020 game:
Below are a few pictures from the game I played in at OMG using my Wood Elves versus a Horde of Beastmen, Ogres, Centaurs and a Minotaur.
A full AAR of the this game will follow when time permits.
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