Stargrave Game at OMG December 17, 2021
I will let the pictures tell the story.
A place where I provide AAR and other information on my various wargaming activities including: First World War, Second World War, War of 1812, Napoleonic, Dark Ages, Ancients, Medieval, Fantasy, Doctor Who + other Sci-Fi, Pulp Alley and more.
I will let the pictures tell the story.
Some pictures and a brief AoR from two SAGA Age of Magic game we played over 2021 Halloween and the following weekend. It features my Undead warband (Undead Legion board) versus Ted's Iroquois Warband (Lords of the Wild board).
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Classic Citadel Undead Command |
Above are some recently painted Citadel Undead Command figures including from left to right: a Liche General (later renamed a Necromancer) a Witch King (later renamed a Liche Lord) and a lance cavalry figure called "the Dead Man of Dunharrow".
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Black Knight Cavalry and a Necromancer far right |
This was one of the first post-pandemic lock-down SAGA Age of Magic games that featured my Gothic Undead versus Jeff's Tomb Kings or Egyptian Undead held at the Ottawa Miniatures Games Club on September 17, 2021. It featured Jeff's 3-D printed Camels and Egyptian scenery.
I will let the pictures tell the story.
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Canada House Juno Beach June 1944 |
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Canada House Today |
Another game report from some years back in late November 2012 when I experimented with using my favorite 6mm Second World War rules for 15mm scale. The advantages of Spearhead are it plays fast and produces reasonably accurate historical results. There are some abstractions (city fighting) and modification needed for games with less than 3 formations (battalions for 6mm, companies for 15mm). The rules have a ground scale of 1" = 100 yards and a figure scale of one base = a platoon for 6mm. The ground scale definitely needs to be altered for 15mm (1" - 50 yards) and an option for 1:1 play is a good idea. I have started to write up 15mm rules. Here are some pictures of a game set in France in the spring of 1940 pitting French and German armour against each other.
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German Pz IVd and 38t tanks versus French S-35 tanks |
Games I hope to play for 2021
It is at New Years and once again time to make lists. I fell well short of playing what I wanted to last year, largely due to Covid-19 which will no doubt impact what I accomplish this year. This list is once again a long list, and I will be lucky to get eight to ten of the games in. I have put a * beside the ones played in 2020 or 2019. Many of the games I hope to play will likely be played at my local club the Ottawa Miniatures Gamers (OMG).
First on my list is Warlords of Erewhon is a new set of rules by Rick Priestly that I have been trying to play for the last few months and will try to make it happen in 2021, possibly at OMG in 28mm scale. I will likely use Undead or Dark Elves for this game, having created a list for the latter with the help of the author.
1. Warlords of Erewhon 28mm Fantasy Warbands.