Now that I am back in to playing 6mm W.W.II (Spearhead and Fist Full of TOWs3) I have pulled some of the figures out of storage including German, French and British AFV and infantry. Although the scenarios I have played recently with the Spearhead rules were set in Normandy in 1944, I have always wanted to play some games set in France in 1940 so it is time to start painting my French 1940 Infantry by Heroics and Ros (H&R) and GHQ. Plus as I will note later some 6mm German Fallschirmjagers (FJ)/ Paratroops that can be used for 1940-45 will be on the painting table soon (I hope).
Painted H&R Classic German Fallshirjager with LMGs
WIP GHQ & H&R French 1940 Infantry in Vallejo khaki green
am currently working on some GHQ and classic H&R 6mm French 1940
infantry and have experimented with white and black primers. I think I
prefer the white primer. For the base coat uniform colour I have been using Vallejo 879 Green
Brown and AK Vallejo 1126 Green Grey acrylic.
Black primed Classic H&R figures on left |
Need to white highlight the black primed figures.
Black primed figures with Kaki Green on the left.
More pictures to follow as my painting hopefully progresses.
I have ordered some of Adler's 6mm French infantry, here is picture of some of their late war German FJ from the Bridge to War blog in exaggerated colours, see
Adler 6mm painted French infantry from a Bridge to War blog. |
Hopefully the figures I paint will look similar to the figures on the GHQ website as shown below:
GHQ 1/285 French WWII Infantry painted by GHQ staff
GHQ 1/285 French WWII Infantry Heavy Weapons painted by GHQ staff.
German Fallschirmjager in 6mm Heroics and Ros
Among the figures I had put in to storage that were these H&R "classic" German Paratroops
/ Fallschirmjagers (FJ) likely cast in the 1980s and primed and base-coated with Gunzi H-70 by me in the early 2000s.
H&R German FJ in basic light olive base coat
Gunze H-70 is the colours I like to use as the base-coat for the basic olive green para smock, although Vallejo makes a good equivalents like green grey 70.886. However since the Guzne acrylic paint has a slightly glossy finish I find it takes a dark wash (black or dark brown) better preventing the wash from staining / darkening the base coat but rather than just settling in the recessed areas. You can achieve the same result by gloss varnishing the Vallejo colour before dark washing it. After I finish painting the figures I always apply a flat varnish like Dullcote so they never remain glossy.
Partly based FJ
Two nearly finished examples on one inch bases by me.
Below are some examples from another blog by Jon Bleasdale of some very well painted German FJ from the new H&R line. This will hopefully inspire me to finish my German Paras.
New H&R German Paras painted by Jon Bleasdale
New H&R German Paras painted by Jon Bleasdale |
See Jon Bleasdale's blog at:
Here are some of the Heroics and Ros 6mm vehicles from 30 Corps for Market Garden painted by John he will have combating the German Paras:
UK 30 Corps vehicles by John Bleasdale
His recipe for painting 1944 British vehicle is: prime Army Painter Leather Brown spray can, base coat Vallejo 924 Russian
uniform, black wash, drybrush 924, drybrush 924 mixed white, finish with
light drybrush of Vallejo 819 Iraqi sand.
I am now thinking about getting some of the newer 6mm German FJ sculpts but there are lots of choices:
Here is a close up of some of the H&R German paras / FJ from their website (sadly the only picture they have):
New H&R German Paras painted by staff
Another option Jon has pointed out to me is 2D6 who make 6mm German FJ:
2D6 6mm FJ rifle figures painted by staff painter
GHQ makes excellent German FJ:
GHQ German FJ Infantry painted by staff
GHQ German FJ Infantry Heavy Weapons painted by staff
Then there is Adler 6mm FJ (exaggerated heads is their style):
Alder 6mm German FJ painted by & from a Bridge to War blog.
Too many choices!
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