On March 17, 2024 (St. Patrick's Day) at the Ottawa Miniatures Game Club Nick and I had our first Fantastic Battles mass fantasy battle game, with 1,000 points per side with his UNDEAD versus my WOOD ELVES in 28mm scale.
Overview |
The Wood Elf Roster, with a slight Irish flavour, was as follows:
Irish Wood Elf Roster
Below are pictures of each of the Wood Elf units:
Wood Elf Glade Rider cavalry with bows
Wood Elf Way-Watcher Ranger Archers
Wood Elf Nymphs
Wood Elf Archers
Dryads |
Eternal Guards with spears
Wood Elf General - Warlord
Leprechaun Familiar with wood Elf Sorcerer on right.
Leprechaun acting as a Familiar for the Wood Elf Sorcerer
I don't have a copy of the Undead roster but it included units of, heavy Skeletal Cavalry (Black Knights), two spear armed skeleton units, one unit of skeleton sword armed warriors, a Grave Guard units with halberds, a unit of Zombies, a catapult and a Skeletal Dragon. The Skeleton sword unit and Zombies were both large 4 base units.
After Action Report.
As I was busy with the game I did not take that many pictures. The red dice represent Undead resolution hits, and the green and gold Roman numeral tiles represent Wood Elf resolution hits.
In the initial turn both forces maneuvered and advanced and the Undead opted to form column to move faster but this lessened their ability to bring maximum melee factors to bear.
Wood Elves advance
When the forces came into contact and combat the Undead were often not able to get out of column to form line to bring maximum force to bear, and the terrain including a swamp contributed to this.
Battle in the centre initial contact
As shown above on the right flank Wood
Elf Archers unit and a unite of spear armed Glade Guards, both in line, combat the
Undead Grave guard supported two units of Skeleton spear armed warrios in column on
each flank. On the left flank the Wood Elf cavalry take on the
Skeletal Dragon and the ephemeral Wood Elf Nymphs take on the Udnead heavy cavalry. In he Centre the Wood elf Dryads advance towards to swamp
Battle in the Centre closer view
Casualties mount on both sides, in particular for the Skeletal Dragon
As depicted above the Wood Elf Dryads advance into the swamp to hit a column of Skeletons
before they can deploy into line. Meanwhile on the left flank the Nymphs break the Undead heavy skeleton cavalry and advance to engage the front of the zombie column pinned by the Wood Elf archers attacking them in the flank. Nearby the Skeleton Dragon and Wood Elf Cavalry slug it out with mages on both sides trying to help rally them. On the right flank the Grave Guard and two skeleton columns continue their large battle, with both sides suffering heavy casualties.
As the battle continued the Undead suffered more casualties than the Wood Elves and eventually the Undead Army reached near the breaking point by turn 5 and conceded.
This was an enjoyable good first game with Nick, and a chance to refresh my memory on some of the rules.
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