Pictures and maps of my preparations for a Battle of the Bulge game, specifically the Battle of Foy-Notre-Damme-Celles involving British, American and German forces on December 25, 1944. I started working on this in January- February 2024 but other projects like Cangames 2024 took priority in March and the game did not happen in 2024, but maybe it will in the winter of 2025.
Overview of Battlefield
The scenario is based on an expanded Foy-Notre-Damme scenario created by Rapid Fire expanded using an old scenario called Celles from the Avalon Hill board game Panzer Leader and a number of historical sources including Charles Whiting's book on the Battle of the Bulge.
This game will be played in 6mm scale with one base representing a platoon with either Spearhead rules or A Fistful of TOWs III rules.
Maps and aerial photos.
Present day Ariel photo taken in summer.
Map of the battle area from US Official History
Map close up of battle area
Pictures of 6mm miniatures and terrain being prepped for the battle below:
Overview of the Battlefield
Snow covered Canopy trees in centre
Overview of the battlefield
Another overview
Sherman 105mm, Kubelwagon FOO, British 5.5" gun
76mm Shearmans
US P-38 and Shermans suffered some damage in the post
US P-38 fighter bomber aircraft
German 6mm Armoured Cars, GHQ, CinC and H&R
German 6mm SS infantry in camo by Adler
Heroics and Ross 6mm German infantry in Camo
Re-basing GHQ Stug III F Assault guns
StugIII G winter camouflage front
Stug IIIGs in winter camouflage rear
Scenario Maps and Rosters
Map from Rapid Fire Foy-Notre-Damme Scenario
Avalon Hill Panzer Leader Celles scenario
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